hello hello.

I'm JoJo. I'm a designer, educator, creator, and probably drinking a little too much coffee right now. Currently helping to teach at the University of Washington iSchool and designing for Aloe Money. Incoming UX Design Intern at Avanade.

If you're seeing this message that means you're on a mobile device (or a really tiny computer!). I want to make sure you have the best experience with my portfolio so please go check it out on a desktop or tablet! If you want to learn about me right now, shoot me an email at jojosaunders99@gmail.com.

Thanks for understanding!

hello hello.

I'm JoJo. I'm an LA based product designer and amateur rug maker.
I'm currently doing visual and user experience design at Avanade.
Nice to meet ya!

Make yourself at home, there are drinks in the fridge.